Sunday, July 17, 2011

Kung Lao combo Midscreen 26% (Low Start) (without display)

Kung Lao combo Midscreen 26% (Low Start) (without display) Tube. Duration : 0.33 Mins.

Kombo Performed By Me: Premonitionist Please Comment, Subscribe and Like. Inputs: 3.3 B, Spin ... Dash 2, Dash, 1, indent 1, indent, 2.4, severe, according to X = 1 for Xbox or PS3 for the space Y = 2 for Xbox or PS3 for the triangle A = 3 for the Xbox or PS3 for X 4 = B Xbox or PS3 circuit for U = Up D = Down F = Forward B = Back + = At ​​the same time, the JP = Jump Punch Punch JK = Jump kick Jump NJP = neutral (H) = Hold (DC) = Dash Cancel ( ex) = Advanced ... Various combo string = if you have any questions pleaseAsk.

Tags: mk1, mk2, mk3, umk3, mk4, mk, mortal, kombat, 2011, premonitionist, 11perfectionist, premonltionist, xbox, 360, combo, combos, kombo, kombos, scorpion, liu, kang, kung, lao, sub-zero, sindel, ermac, reptile, MKU, Trailer, kitana, johnny, cage, jade, mileena, nightwolf, cyrax, sektor, noob, saibot, X-ray, smoke, sonya, jax, kano, stryker, shang, tsung, baraka, kabal, raiden, cyber, sheeva, quan, Konqrr, chi, rain, kenshi, skarlet, DLC, kintaro, goro, shao, kahn, Challenge, Tower, Mission, Meterless, test, your, might, yt:quality=high, Alternate

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